FAO / Iraq
Economic Growth

Agricultural Growth and Employment Support Program
Since 2010, Geopolicity has provided substantial technical support to UN FAO and the Government of Iraq in the design and implementation of the I-AGES program, with a focus on addressing the need for (i) an evidence-based national agricultural policy and investment strategy to promote rapid economic and government revenue diversification, and (ii) sustained employment generation in the agriculture sector and (iii) watershed management linked to environmental conservation and climate change.
Geopolicity support to I-AGES is, therefore, centred not only on the 2007-2010 National Development Strategy (NDS) and the Five Year National Development Plan, but also on the attainment of various GoI international commitments, such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). While designed as a national policy and strategy support project, aimed at shaping the way GoI/Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) does business, Geopolicity leads the transition towards diversification of non-oil revenue, employment generation, and inclusive, equitable and sustainable economic growth to alleviate poverty and promote achievement of the MDGs.In Phase I, Geopolicity undertook essential analytical and diagnostic work, building a comprehensive understanding of the drivers and constraints to inclusive economic growth and employment, within and across the agriculture sector. Work included: (i) growth diagnostic work, (ii) an investment climate review of the agricultural system and related sub-sectors; (iii) a labor market survey (building in the formative work of COSIT); (iv) value chain studies; and (v) trade volume studies. In addition, with the view of supporting the necessary political environment and sector governance capacities in Iraq, Geopolicity supported the establishment of a Policy and Strategy Support Unit/PMU as well as an inter-Ministerial coordination function. We have drafted manuals for developing policies and strategies, and for undertaking economic diagnostic work; and have provided training for Government counterparts.
Consultancy services, supporting and leading the design and implementation of the I-AGES program including, undertaking (i) growth diagnostic work, (ii) an investment climate review of the agricultural system and related sub-sectors; (iii) a labor market survey (building in the formative work of COSIT); (iv) value chain studies; and (v) trade volume studies. Support for institutional capacity building of the beneficiary ministries (particularly Ministry of Agriculture) and government.
Development of the National Agricultural Policy and National Agricultural Investment Strategy.
Development of national M&E systems for tracking performance under I-AGES.
In Phase II, Geopolicity lead the development of the National Agricultural Policy and National Agricultural Investment Strategy, and their establishment with the Ministry of Agriculture.
Development of a draft National Agricultural Policy and Strategy, approved by the Ministry of Agriculture, accompanied by a five year investment framework.
A world class Geopolicity team were awarded multiple contracts by FAO for develop a national agricultural policy and strategy in the Middle East. Their work was outstanding and the investment framework fully was adopted by government.
Dr. Fadel El Zubi, Country Representative, FAO