Environment & Climate Change and Gender &an Gender
Concerns regarding the global (natural and built) environmental increase year-on-year, with all most solutions only being solved locally. From the impacts of our global changing climate, the quality of the air we breathe and water we drink, to the challenges of dealing with deforestation, waste management, energy and meeting the competing demands on our natural spaces, environmental issues impact on us all. The poor are disproportionately affected by environmental degradation and lack of access to clean, affordable energy services. Geopolicity assists countries in strengthening their capacity to address these challenges at the global, national and community levels, seeking out and sharing best practices, providing innovative policy advice and linking partners through pilot projects. Moreover, given the linkages between human population, poverty and environmental degradation well established, we believe that local solutions and technological transfers combined, can go a long way to improving the ecological balance.
One of our central objectives is to support evidence-based approaches (also linked to the SDGs), with a focus on improving the impact of policy, public and private spending, on environmental out turns. As a result, a bottom-up field based approach that links local and national planning is critical to all our engagement.
Our Services Include:
- Integrating Environment and Development.
- Economic and Financial Models and biodiversity financing.
- Climate Change and Resilient Infrastructure.
- Energy conservation and renewable generation;
- Drylands Development.
- Global Environment Facility Support and UN REDD +.
- Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), the Forest Investment Program (FIP).
- Local Environmental Integrated Planning.
- Sustainable Land Use.
Examples of recent work include:
- Support to the African Elephant Protection Initiative and EPI Secretariat.
- Establishment of the Afghan National Environmental Protection Authority (GoIRA).
- Integrated Catchment Terracing programs aimed at reversing deforestation in Ethiopia (EU).
- Drivers of Change Study for the UN in Iraq in relation to 'Managing the Tigris and Euphrates Watersheds.
- Formulation of the EU FARM Afghanistan Program focused on growth and sustainable land use planning.
- REDD + Readiness Assessments.
- Integrated Solid Waste Management National Investment Program, Iraqi Kurdistan (UNIECF/UN-HABITAT).
- Somalia renewable energy solutions.
At Geopolicity, we are committed to advancing gender equality and empowering all individuals, regardless of gender, in every aspect of our work. Our gender policy is built on the principles of inclusivity, equity, and diversity. We strive to create environments both within our organization and through our international development projects that promote equal opportunities for men, women, and gender-diverse people. We ensure that gender considerations are integrated into our strategic planning, project implementation, and monitoring and evaluation processes. By addressing gender disparities and fostering an environment of equal representation, we aim to enhance the effectiveness of our development efforts, drive innovation, and contribute to a more just and equitable society. Our gender policy mandates regular training for our staff on gender sensitivity and inclusion, and requires that all our programs are designed to advance gender equality outcomes, actively engaging and benefiting people of all genders.
EU Green Energy Development Market Update - Selected Tables