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Geopolicity was appointed as the M&E Firm on a 17 Month contract on the US$250 million CBR program, funded by the World Bank. The project's development objective is to assist the government in improving the capacity and performance of selected line ministries and independent agencies in carrying out their mandates and delivering services to the Afghan people. The project’s key outcomes include: (a) development budget execution rate improvements; (b) business process improvements; (c) service delivery improvements; and (d) number of SMG positions filled or any other key indicators which could be introduced later on.  



Assisted the involved line ministries to develop their Results Frameworks (RFs) in alignment with their proposals and CBR's Master Results Framework.


To monitor project activities including recruitment and reform targets and generate quality reports on the implementation of the results frameworks.


To provide basic and advanced level M&E capacity building to both PSUs and LMs, including overseas training for agreed number of participants.


To oversee (working closely with IARCSC) the process of performance evaluation for CBR recruited civil servants, including matching deliverables produced by CBR recruited civil servants with their respective LM CBRPs/CBRFs; and,


To establish and strengthen LM M&E systems by knowledge transfer to the LMs and PSUs M&E staff to ensure that they carry forward the activities performed by the firm beyond the 19 month assignment timeframe.



Established a fully integrated M&E system for the program, tracking key performance indicators, reporting against progress, and identifying corrective measures. Established operating procedures for the program and development 10 targeted sector investment propositions.











Government of Afghanistan / World Bank​




USD: 3,200,000

E-Governance Support

Public Sector​

Tracking Progress and Results

"The work of Geopolicity is well known. Over the course of the past two years their analytical and diagnostic work has been essential to both government and UN agencies in developing plans for wholesale public sector modernisation".

Paulo Lembo. Country Director. United Nations Development Program UAE

Iraq Public Sector Modernization
MDG Costing and Reform Roadmap
National Priority Program No. 3
Red Sea State
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